Greater Vancouver BC is blessed by beautiful mountainsides. It’s a big part of what attracts households from around the world to call the region home. Many of those who particularly adore being in the woods decide to establish roots and buy a cabin property as a permanent or part-time residence. 

Lush surroundings of the forest pretty much take care of landscape design while builders have delivered the desired exterior aesthetic. But what about within? This is often where things fall short. The interior space is often left feeling cold or lacking in modern function and aesthetic. As a result, there are a significant number of people searching for interior design for cabins in the BC Lower Mainland. You’ve come to the right place. But before you email or call for your FREE consultation, have a look a few helpful things to consider for your rural property’s interior environment.

5 Interior Upgrades to Enhance Function and Visual Appeal of Your Modern Cabin Home in Greater Vancouver BC

Open Access to Natural Light

You have presumably invested in a rural property on the outskirts of or within Greater Vancouver BC’s livable wilderness because you love nature. It makes sense for you to take advantage of natural light in the process. Not only will this reduce your reliance on electrical (and expense) to light your home interior, natural light is scientifically proven to enhance occupant mood and energy levels.

Your interior design consultation should consider the ever-changing position of the sun as it applies to your property through all four seasons. Measures to capitalize on natural light will vary. They may range from mild-to-moderate such as changing existing window coverings to mechanical ones that can be programmed to adjust with the sun’s position, to more radical steps such as adding windows where none currently exist. The addition of a skylight can also create quite the positive impact. 

Add Warmth

As alluded to in the introduction, the interiors of cabins can often feel cold, even if there are adequate heating systems within. This is a natural psychological response to being located near or in a wooded area. Consequently, interior design initiatives to incite occupant/guest feelings of warmth and coziness are important. Modern fireplace installations that cover a greater interior area, recessed LED lighting with “warm” settings, and carefully curated furnishings and accent pieces will all contribute to this. 

Tastefully Merge Furnishings with the Natural Aesthetic

While you desire a modern aesthetic for your cabin, the contrasting effect of postmodernism contemporary or industrial design can come off as abrasive. Instead, we encourage you to merge your natural surroundings with your interior installations and furnishings. Professional interior designers will have established relationships with local furniture makers who do wonders with fallen (and reclaimed) wood from BC’s forests along with cabinet makers, craftspersons, and woodworkers that can bring the outdoors inside with a modernized twist to follow the guidance of the interior designer.

Install Modern Conveniences for Functional Rooms

Just because you enjoy roughing it in the great outdoors does not infer that you enjoy the same when it comes to your time indoors. Functional rooms in the home should come with all of the modern conveniences you expect in the big city. These functional rooms include bathrooms, kitchens, and home offices. Click the following links to reference interior designer tips for bathrooms, kitchens, and home offices prior to your consultation.

Design to Attract STR Interest?

Many cabin owners in BC do not live in the rural property full-time. Cabins are often second homes. If this applies to you, consider capitalizing on the demand for modern cabin vacation rental experiences. Travelers from all over the world are interested in renting cabin-esque properties in the Greater Vancouver BC area. They are willing to pay top dollar for the experience, and as a result you can pay down the loan on the property in no time at all. That being said, it’s a competitive market on short term rental (STR) platforms such as Airbnb and VRBO. Rural property owners in North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Squamish, and other forested areas are all competing for the same vacationers. Your interior design plan must consider this. Follow these interior designer tips for Airbnb properties to attract interest and increase occupancy rates, where applicable.

Ready to turn your cabin or similar rural property into your dream home though the magic of interior design? If it’s located in the Greater Vancouver BC area, call Calvert Design Studio for a FREE 20-minute phone consultation

CALL 604.924.4034